Texas Claims Administrators & Networks Association

New Trade Association Forming for Texas Claims Administrators
A new state trade association is being formed for Texas claims administrators and healthcare networks. The new trade association - Texas Claims Administrators and Network Association (TCANA) - will provide claims administrators with a state association that promotes their collective interests and fosters a favorable insurance environment in which to operate in Texas.
For the purpose of TCANA, the following companies are eligible to join the association as a member:
third party claims administrators (TPAs)
utilization review agents (URAs)
managed care companies (MCCs)
pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs)
case management companies (CMCs)
medical bill review companies (MBRCs)
health care networks (HCNs)
independent review organizations (IROs)
TCANA will focus on the following lines of insurance:
commercial and private automobile
commercial and private property
health care
workers’ compensation
TCANA will offer an Associate Membership to companies and firms that provide legal, software, and other services to TCANA’s members. Insurance companies and national insurance associations will be eligible to join TCANA as associate members.
Companies or medical practices with an interest in insurance will be able to join TCANA as Affiliate Members.
TCANA will:
Connect members for effective collaboration, strengthening the claims administrator and healthcare network industries’ voice in the Texas market.
Develop research, legislation, strategic partnerships, and communications programs that advance the interests of its members.
Monitor and report on the activities of the Congress, Texas Legislature, Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), TDI’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), and Texas courts to help our membership to stay abreast of developments that impact both the Texas market and their respective business operations.
Represent its membership at the Texas Legislature, TDI, DWC, and other state regulatory agencies that administer rules and programs that directly or indirectly impact the members of the association. On as needed basis, TCANA will represent its members before Congress on insurance related matters and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid on fee guideline and payment policy matters.
File amicus briefs in on-going lawsuits and intervene in lawsuits as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
Serve as the voice of the association members on public policy issues of interest and effectively communicate with the media to advance the industry’s positions and shape public opinion of claims administrators who play an important role in the handling of insurance claims.
Create an environment in which members can share best practices, information, tools, and develop educational resources that support our industry leadership and service excellence.
Membership Benefits
Members and Associate Members
TCANA members will have access to information, lobby representation, education, and industry advocacy not available from any other association or organization.
Members and associate members will specifically have the following benefits:
● Legislative Monitoring and Reporting
● Regulatory Monitoring and Reporting
● Lobby representation before Congress (as directed by the board of directors) and the Texas Legislature
● Lobby representation before the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), and TDI’s Division of Workers’
Compensation (DWC)
● Lobby representation before other Texas state agencies that administer state programs that have a direct and
indirect impact on TCANA’s members
● Monitoring of all state regulatory agencies (as appropriate)
● Monthly Newsletter reporting on developments impacting all lines of insurance
● Legislative Bulletins
● Regulatory Bulletins that report on developments impacting TCANA members
● Analysis of the Regulatory efforts of TDI and DWC
● Legal Updates
● Annual CEO and Leadership Conference (Virtual)
● Annual Members and Associate Members Regulatory Update Conference (Virtual)
● Issues and Trends Research Reports
● Members and Associate Members Only Website Resources
● Lawmakers and staff, regulators, and public education initiatives
● Media Representation
● Continuing education opportunities for member and association member employees; and
● A collective voice with which to engage law makers, regulators, system stakeholders, and insurance consumers
TCANA members will have advocacy and lobby representation from four registered lobbyist 365 days a year at a fraction of the cost of retaining a lobbyist for a legislative session or to advocate for them during a single regulatory rule-making project.
Affiliate Members
Affiliate members will have access to information that includes:
● Monthly Newsletter reporting on developments impacting all lines of insurance
● Legislative Bulletins, not including confidential association positions on legislation
● Regulatory Bulletins that report on developments impacting the regulation of insurance in Texas
● Annual Members and Associate Members Regulatory Update Conference (Virtual); and
● Issues and Trends Research Reports
Representative TCANA Regulatory Bulletins and Publications
Automobile Insurance Regulatory Bulletin
Healthcare Insurance Regulatory Bulletin
Property Insurance Regulatory Bulletin
TWIA Insurance Regulatory Bulletin
Workers' Compensation Insurance Regulatory Bulletin
TWIA Insurance Regulatory Bulletin
More Information about TCANA
The Texas Claims Administrators & Networks Association Prospectus is Available HERE.
Contact Information
Contact Steve Nichols at (512) 786-3946 or via email with questions or to seek information on how your company can join TCANA.
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